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TSOTL (Formerly Red Cigar Society) - click here

The Leaf Angelz Experience

As a team dedicated to providing an exceptional cigar culture experience, we are excited to assist visitors in Tampa, known as the "Cigar Capitol." Our team, The Leaf Angelz, has been fortunate enough to tour various lounges worldwide and meet cigar lounge owners and enthusiasts from diverse cultures who share our love for the leaf.

The Leaf Angelz started in 2018 in Maryland, established by Annette, also known as Cigar Lady Annette, and Monique, known as Cigar Bartech. We began hosting cigar events and providing services to other industry professionals, which led to our identity as The Leaf Angelz. We are passionate about helping fellow cigar enthusiasts and using our platform to raise funds for underprivileged youths. While Monique continues her work as a Cigar Bartech in Maryland, Annette moved to Tampa, Florida, known as the "cigar capital of the world," in search of warmer weather.

Annette is a seasoned industry professional with over 14 years of experience as a cigar rep, cigar lounge owner, and event host. She relocated to Tampa over a year ago and has become well-versed in the cigar culture there. Annette receives numerous calls and messages from people worldwide asking for recommendations on where to smoke and what to smoke when they visit Florida. Thus, she decided to bring The Leaf Angelz experience to Tampa.

We are thrilled to build a fantastic team in Tampa and offer the "Leaf Angelz Experience," including cigar lounge crawls with transportation provided, cigar rolling classes, and cigar and spirits tastings. Our prices vary based on reservation times and group sizes, with a maximum of ten people per group. We look forward to sharing our passion for cigars with you in Tampa.

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National Cigar Lounge Tour
 Video & Pictures from Tour
May 13-23, 2016

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